X. Zuo, A. Jussupow, N. S. Ponomarenko, T. D. Grant, N. M. Tefft, N. S. Yadav, K. L. Range, C. Y. Ralston, M. A. TerAvest, M. Sutter, C. A. Kerfeld, J. V. Vermaas, M. Feig, D. M. Tiede
ACS Appl. Bio Mater. (2025)

Bacterial microcompartments (BMCs) are self-assembling protein shell structures that are widely investigated across a broad range of biological and abiotic chemistry applications. A central challenge in BMC research is the targeted capture of enzymes during shell assembly. While crystallography and cryo-EM techniques have been successful in determining BMC shell structures, there has been only limited success in visualizing the location of BMC-captured enzyme cargo. Here, we demonstrate the opportunity to use small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and pair distance distribution function (PDDF) measurements combined with quantitative comparison to coordinate structure models as an approach to characterize BMC shell structures in solution conditions directly relevant to biochemical function. Using this approach, we analyzed BMC shells from Haliangium ochraceum (HO) that were isolated following expression in E. coli. The analysis allowed the BMC shell structures and the extent of encapsulated enzyme cargo to be identified. Notably, the results demonstrate that HO-BMC shells adventitiously capture significant amounts of cytoplasmic cargo during assembly in E. coli. Our findings highlight the utility of SAXS/PDDF analysis for evaluating BMC architectures and enzyme encapsulation, offering valuable insights for designing BMC shells as platforms for biological and abiotic catalyst capture within confined environments.